Thursday, March 12, 2009

Discover Self
Examine me, oh God my mind, test me and discover my thoughts. If I am wrong guide me in the right direction. Ps. 139:23-24

Who is the real you?
What does the real you want?
What is it that you love or wish you could change about yourself?

Only answer these questions when you can be honest with yourself

Start with who you were when you were young. I often find that people will say they have changed that they are not who they used to be, but the more I evolve the more I realize, I am going back to who I was as a child. I liked that person, before divorce, children, career…Who was I before the world told me who I was supposed to be.

Lucky for me I can remember my thoughts as early as 2. I was happy, discriminate, warm, yet able to be alone with myself. By the time I was 5 or 6 I had best friends and was clear about what I wanted and did not want, regardless of what mom or dad said.
I was obedient while able to cultivate a strong sense of self. This was not taught to me this was natural.

We all have natural positive qualities that we were born with, but from the beginning we are told that we are evil, bad, ugly and need to be fixed. Although we are capable of doing bad things we are programmed to think we need to be fixed before we mess up. Running in the direction of allowing people to fix us that have no idea who we are is dangerous. People have a tendency to project their weaknesses on to you and have you thinking that their problem is your problem.

What is prayer?:
Prayer does not wake up God, who does not sleep. Prayer wakes up your subconscious, what God put in you before birth, your spirit. When you speak or acknowledge you are giving your mind permission to unlock, awake or activate your unconscious self. This is called the:
Holy Spirit
Inner Self
More names exist depending on the culture, region, child rearing and transformational experiences.

This is why it is fruitless to try and force others to believe one thing or another. The best way to prove God is to:

  1. Call God up through your prayers (voice)
  2. Know yourself
  3. Be who God created you to be

...And who God really is will show up. Simple.

Prayer of Discovery


Dear God I’m tired of being a stranger to my own soul, I don’t know who I am , and I’m not clear on what my purpose is here on earth.


I long to have a close relationship with myself. As I peel back the layers of my soul, help me to see myself through your eyes and not thorough the eyes and expectations of others.


As you revel the true nature of my soul and my purpose, I will embrace and love who I am and complete my earthly assignment.

Meditation: Stop running from you

posted by Candi @ 5:24 AM  


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