Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Religion and Spirituality

Into Your hand I commit my spirit: for you have redeemed me, O Lord of truth. Psalms 31:5

Religion: specific form of belief and practice

Spirituality: concerned with matters of the soul (nonmaterial or essence of a person)

Religion is taught while natural levels of Spirituality are present at birth

Example: Two children from same household, same religion, but different spirituality levels.

Religion is easy to instill, but you have got to be in a special place as a parent to tap into the spirit part of a child or whom ever you want to “show” the way.

Religion is man-made, which is why it is always changing adding and taking away but the soul remains constant.

Religion can not meet a need, which is why we have so many of them. People get mad when their religion fails them.

Your spirit never fails you; you just fail to listen to your spirit.

We are told that our instincts are not to be trusted. Imagine what would happen to a wild animal if we taught him not to trust his instinct. He might as well be shot, because he could not survive. This is why we are killing ourselves and our brothers and sisters.

Many think we are acting on instinct when we do bad things, but what has happened is that our spirits have been confused by all the mixed messages that no one believes in anything anymore. When you have too many things to believe in morale becomes a joke. Sensory overload takes place and the moral system crashes.

We are doing ourselves a disservice when we teach people to ignore their spirits and let religion do the work for them or marry religion and spirit so tightly that one can’t tell one from the other. They are different.

Once you get to know who you are for yourself you can begin to trust your spirit or instincts as you did when you were a child. Deprogram yourself.

We can not commit to a religion, cause, job, children or spouse or God until we commit to ourselves.

Commit to yourself before you commit to others.

posted by Candi @ 6:19 AM  


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