Monday, March 23, 2009

Want Free Life Coaching? Get it Now!

Reminder: Don't just read the posts, subscibe to this blog so you can get automatic inspirations to talk.
The impact of personal coaching for the motivation and success of adults in their professional, personal, and academic lives.

Explanation of issue:

There seems to be a constant struggle between helping others and staying within the constructs of the created limitations of the helping or learning environment. As a learner/consumer entering into new territory seeking assistance, one is often asked, “may I help you?” Once a need is voiced the assistor may proceed with how or why they are not allowed to do this or that to help, based on the rules of their employing environment. Therefore, the question must come from the one needing assistance, “how much will the bureaucracies of your institution or establishment allow you to help me?”
This growing problem of over professionalism at the expense of the learner/consumer has caused confusion, stunted growth of relationships and has repelled learners away from the traditional higher learning environment. When I tell adults that I am still in school many of them respond with an exhaustive tone, “how in the world do you get through all the red tape of the higher learning environment?”
Many adults share experiences of going from place to place, person to person and being told, “Sorry, I can’t help you.” Some are helped to a point and then released into the unknown, because the over worked, compartmentalized professional simply does not have the time to “hand hold” an adult in need.


Adults who work with a personal coach are more likely to reduce stress, set clear goals and achieve them to the betterment of their lives.
With the stress many adults already have, some choose to pass up opportunities to get higher learning degrees, advance in their careers or work out personal problems to avoid the stress of navigating through what they perceive as unnecessary or “busy work” as some call it. I have helped guide five adults through the higher learning process over the last couple of years and upon their success was inspired to start personal coaching using adult education theories.
“Hand holding” an adult who has already proven that they are independent in life is not likely to cripple them. One may think “hand holding for a child is detrimental to their learning beyond a certain point and it may be, because that child has not yet learned independence. However, because the adult’s personal life is often full of responsibilities, what one may call “hand holding” for a child who needs to learn independence if often needed support to an adult who has already mastered independence.
1. Personal coaching gives the adult learner specialized support towards their goals.
2. The personal coach is fully dedicated and has unlimited time to address personal, professional and academic issues with the adult without juggling other job responsibilities that could make the adult feel as though they are, “in the way”.
3. No subject is off limits or considered irrelevant when addressing the adult’s needs as it pertains to their success.
4. The adult is supported all the way through the learning and/or goal achievement process.
5. The personal coach is not connected to any of the entities that the adult is a part of, which allows the coach more freedom to assists without conflict of interest or being judge by their colleges or peers.
6. Those that are limited to the compartmentalization of their jobs can refer the adult to a personal coach who can use expansive methods to help facilitate them towards their goals.
7. The personal coach can help the adult see the meaning in what they think is meaningless and help them make that connection to their desired goal.

Please respond to this post if you are interested in participating in this research by emailing me at

Go to to see the services you can get for participating in this free research

posted by Candi @ 4:16 PM   1 Comments

Monday, March 16, 2009

Live in love...

Embrace your emotions, learn from them and move through them for they will teach you. Stop fighting, trust your instincts (spirit)and be.

posted by Candi @ 2:15 PM   0 Comments

Saturday, March 14, 2009

posted by Candi @ 8:35 PM   1 Comments

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Discover Self
Examine me, oh God my mind, test me and discover my thoughts. If I am wrong guide me in the right direction. Ps. 139:23-24

Who is the real you?
What does the real you want?
What is it that you love or wish you could change about yourself?

Only answer these questions when you can be honest with yourself

Start with who you were when you were young. I often find that people will say they have changed that they are not who they used to be, but the more I evolve the more I realize, I am going back to who I was as a child. I liked that person, before divorce, children, career…Who was I before the world told me who I was supposed to be.

Lucky for me I can remember my thoughts as early as 2. I was happy, discriminate, warm, yet able to be alone with myself. By the time I was 5 or 6 I had best friends and was clear about what I wanted and did not want, regardless of what mom or dad said.
I was obedient while able to cultivate a strong sense of self. This was not taught to me this was natural.

We all have natural positive qualities that we were born with, but from the beginning we are told that we are evil, bad, ugly and need to be fixed. Although we are capable of doing bad things we are programmed to think we need to be fixed before we mess up. Running in the direction of allowing people to fix us that have no idea who we are is dangerous. People have a tendency to project their weaknesses on to you and have you thinking that their problem is your problem.

What is prayer?:
Prayer does not wake up God, who does not sleep. Prayer wakes up your subconscious, what God put in you before birth, your spirit. When you speak or acknowledge you are giving your mind permission to unlock, awake or activate your unconscious self. This is called the:
Holy Spirit
Inner Self
More names exist depending on the culture, region, child rearing and transformational experiences.

This is why it is fruitless to try and force others to believe one thing or another. The best way to prove God is to:

  1. Call God up through your prayers (voice)
  2. Know yourself
  3. Be who God created you to be

...And who God really is will show up. Simple.

Prayer of Discovery


Dear God I’m tired of being a stranger to my own soul, I don’t know who I am , and I’m not clear on what my purpose is here on earth.


I long to have a close relationship with myself. As I peel back the layers of my soul, help me to see myself through your eyes and not thorough the eyes and expectations of others.


As you revel the true nature of my soul and my purpose, I will embrace and love who I am and complete my earthly assignment.

Meditation: Stop running from you

posted by Candi @ 5:24 AM   0 Comments

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Religion and Spirituality

Into Your hand I commit my spirit: for you have redeemed me, O Lord of truth. Psalms 31:5

Religion: specific form of belief and practice

Spirituality: concerned with matters of the soul (nonmaterial or essence of a person)

Religion is taught while natural levels of Spirituality are present at birth

Example: Two children from same household, same religion, but different spirituality levels.

Religion is easy to instill, but you have got to be in a special place as a parent to tap into the spirit part of a child or whom ever you want to “show” the way.

Religion is man-made, which is why it is always changing adding and taking away but the soul remains constant.

Religion can not meet a need, which is why we have so many of them. People get mad when their religion fails them.

Your spirit never fails you; you just fail to listen to your spirit.

We are told that our instincts are not to be trusted. Imagine what would happen to a wild animal if we taught him not to trust his instinct. He might as well be shot, because he could not survive. This is why we are killing ourselves and our brothers and sisters.

Many think we are acting on instinct when we do bad things, but what has happened is that our spirits have been confused by all the mixed messages that no one believes in anything anymore. When you have too many things to believe in morale becomes a joke. Sensory overload takes place and the moral system crashes.

We are doing ourselves a disservice when we teach people to ignore their spirits and let religion do the work for them or marry religion and spirit so tightly that one can’t tell one from the other. They are different.

Once you get to know who you are for yourself you can begin to trust your spirit or instincts as you did when you were a child. Deprogram yourself.

We can not commit to a religion, cause, job, children or spouse or God until we commit to ourselves.

Commit to yourself before you commit to others.

posted by Candi @ 6:19 AM   1 Comments

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Be Yourself!

posted by Candi @ 8:04 PM   0 Comments

God bless all who enter this place. May peace and love follow you all the days of your life.

"Reconstruct the world by reconstructing your mind"
"Live, Love & Learn"

I know you can do it!
Candi aka Nyeusi Hekima

posted by Candi @ 5:54 PM   2 Comments

Mistakes in relationships and how to correct them

Driven by immediate gratification: Instead be driven by the beauty of evolution.

Too eager to unite: Instead be eager to learn.

Low-self esteem: Instead forgive yourself.

To dependent on love, yet don’t know what love is: Instead know that love is empty, it’s what you put in it that makes it love. What are you seasoning your love soup with?

No desire to grow: Instead stop trying to change others and embrace self growth.

Miss the lesson: Instead, Sankofa! Go back and get that lesson you missed.

Driven by drama: Instead learn to love in peace. Silence your demons so you are not tempted to turn up the volume in your relationships

Guilt about getting needs met: Instead stop feeling guilty about receiving love and show more gratitude towards the person that loves you. Blaming the other person can be traced back to guilt and unforgiveness of self. You want that person to punish you. The more they love you the more you lash out at them.

Brain damaged: Instead change your mind. This can be done. Some people have chemical imbalances that become more activated in love relationships. That’s because love releases soooo many chemicals that it can drive a sane man crazy. If you have a previous mental imbalance this can seriously damage your love relationships. Get help.

posted by Candi @ 12:05 PM   0 Comments

My north node mantra:

I love not knowing, while knowing what I know.

posted by Candi @ 10:36 AM   0 Comments

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Relationships for learning

Many times we find ourselves in relationships that stress us out. Instead of taking the time to find out what that relationship is trying to teach us, we spend all of our time resisting and trying to change the other person. It is not until we learn the lesson within that relationship that we can fully let go or move on to the next level in that union.

One of the major mistakes in a relationship is that we ask of a person something different than what they are here to teach us. We may ask a partner to be more responsible, but maybe that partner is there to teach us to set boundaries for ourselves and stop taking on the responsibility of others.

So I challenge you today, find out what your relationships are trying to teach you. Stop blaming others for what they are not doing for you and learn from them what they came to teach you.

Even if the relationship is not good for you in the long run you can have peace in the midst of learning and growing and move on once the lesson is learned. Every relationship is not made to be fixed, some are meant to be exactly the way they are. The “worst” relationships are our best teachers. So, embrace your mistakes, your wins, and your loses for they are the soil in which you are to plant your spirit for your ascension to the next level.

Until next time,

“Reconstruct your world by reconstructing your mind”

posted by Candi @ 11:01 PM   0 Comments